Ma Teresa Pascual Soria

Rehabilitation Service of Germans Trias Hospital.

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Master degree in Care Quality Management from Fundació Avedis-Donabedian. Tutor of resident doctors. Professor of the Master degree in Care for Advanced Chronic Respiratory Patients at the UAB. She collaborates with the FRENA multicentre group (Risk Factors and Arterial Disease), in which she has participated in a comparative multicentre study between lymphoedema treatment with multi-layer bandaging and adjustable prefabricated bandaging. She carries out health care activities in the Prosthesis, orthotics and amputation Unit, and in the Lymphoedema and breast Neoplasia Unit. She collaborates in the care of patients admitted to the Rehabilitation beds of Germans Trias. She also attends to interconsultations of the Reanimation and Intensive Care units.