Pilar Ricart Martí

Intensive Care Medicine Service of Hospital Hermans Trias

Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery, Universitat de Barcelona (UB) School of Medicine at the Clinical Hospital. Intensive Care Medicine specialist, Germans Trias Hospital. Mostly dedicated to cardiac failure post-op care. Her main areas of interest are acute respiratory pathology, acute respiratory distress syndrome and mechanical ventilation, clinical safety in healthcare processes of the Intensive Medicine Service, quality indicators monitoring and cardiac surgery post-op care.

Instructor of Fundamental Critical Care Support for the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Master in Organ and Tissue Trasplantation, Open University of Catalonia. She has the certificate of participation in the the Novalung Academy Following Training: ILA ACTIVVE VENO-VENOUS SYSTEM. She is trained in Risk Management and Improving Patient Safety. She has worked in quality indicators management and control of the Intensive Medicine Service, and she is one of the people responsible for the service's computerization since 2012. Associate lecturer in the UAB School of Medicine at the Can Ruti Campus, where he teaches the sixth year Urgent and Emergency Care course. She also teaches postgraduate courses at the UAB. Lecturer of the German Trias Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation and Respiratory Support in 2013.

Currently working on the doctoral thesis "Healthcare processes re-engineering to improve clinical safety at the Intensive Care Medicine Service" (Reenginyeria de processos assistencials per la millora de la seguretat clínica al Servei de Medicina Intensiva). She has coordinated observational studies and has been principal investigator of several multicentric studies in which the Intensive Medicine Service at the Germans Trias. 

Member of the Medication Error Subcommittee and of the Safety Core of the Germans Trias. Member of the Catalan Society of Intensive and Critical Medicine and of the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Medicine and Coronary Units. She has taken part in respiratory failure workgroups in both societies.