Nursing: a benchmark in care

Nursing professionals are key to recovering patients' health and empowering them. Providing nursing care at the Germans Trias hospital is based on a humanistic philosophy: the Virginia Henderson model of nursing care.
This model is based on the idea that each person is a unique and complex human being with biological, psychological, sociocultural and spiritual components, who has 14 basic needs that must be satisfied in order to be able to maintain physical and psychological integrity, grow up and develop. The mission of nursing is to offer patients and their families the necessary, highest quality care to ensure their basic needs are met when a health problem occurs.
The hospital pioneered the implementation of this model at the Catalan Heath Institute (ICS), and its application through the care plan is standardized and customized at the same time for each patient and family. Everything is thoroughly recorded thanks to improvements in currently available information systems, which are unified for all ICS hospitals and makes it possible for all attending health care professionals to be aware of the treatment plan designed and being provided to the patient.
Treatment planning and evaluation; work based on scientific evidence; continuity of care thanks to communication between the hospital's nurses and those of the primary care centres; and the constant search for steady improvement and excellence are the defining features that guide of our work.
If you have any questions, please contact the Nursing Department by sending an email to